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Anticaking >> REMASLIDE Plate Non-stick liners >> REMASLIDE plates
Non-stick liners

The solution for any material flow problem

REMASLIDE plates are a combination of polyethylene (PE) and high quality rubber. Due to its excellent anti-adhesion properties, REMASLIDE plates improve the flow of fine and powdery (non-sharp-edged) material and thereby increasing the productivity of your equipment.

  • Excellent anti-adhesion properties
  • Optimum protection against wear an caking
  • CN bonding layer provides fast and good adhesion
  • Prevents flow problems with fine and powdery (non-sharp-edged) materials for example in coal or ore processing plants or paper, cement or gypsum industry
  • Lining for bunkers, silos and other containers as well as their transport through chutes and hoppers
 REMASLIDE plate (2)
  • Surface: Green, PE-UHMW, 5 mm or 10 mm
  • Base: Rubber (black) with CN bonding layer, 3 mm
Polymer basisPE-UHMWDIN ISO 1629
Specific weight0.94 g/cm³DIN EN ISO 1183-1
Hardness63 Shore DDIN ISO 7619-1